About the Business
KJM Computer Systems Ltd started as a computer hardware repair business in 1982 providing support services to independent schools around London and the S.E. Later, with schools' newly gained autonomy through LMS and Grant Maintained status, our client base increased to include LEA schools.
In 1982 there were effectively only a handful of types of computer and peripherals which would need to be repaired so we were able to provide a quite specialised service. Typically computers found in schools would include that wonderful invention ‘the 'BBC Computer', 'Research Machines 380Z and later the 480Z with Anadex, Walters or Epson MX80 Printers. ICT suites didn't exist and some schools had only a single computer. The first school networks to appear were either the DOS based C/PM menu system RML 480Z with an RML 380Z Znet server with two 8 floppy drives or the BBC Econet system.
Location & Hours

20 St. Pauls Wood Hill