About the Business
Patient Content Store (PCS) helps deliver the best patient care by providing fast, secure and easy-to-use access to patient clinical information for the whole clinical team. PCS is helping thousands of clinical staff in cardiology, cancer care, diabetes, and many other clinical specialties to update patient records directly in clinic, ward or MDT meeting, review and send discharge summaries and clinic letters, manage referral to treatment pathways including inter-hospital transfers, and to get instant access to clinical audit reports.
PCS is entirely web-based to allow the greatest flexibility in terms of usage, supported by a pricing structure that ensures best value. Designed over many years working with clinicians, PCS includes a built-in screen and workflow builder to ensure complete compatibility with every clinical department's unique profile. PCS is an integrated product developed in-house by Teleologic Ltd and fully supported by our technical team.
Location & Hours

Muspole Street